First of all, thanks to everyone who'se been following this blog. I've had so much bandwidth transfer from people looking at pictures that I've had to upgrade my Photobucket account. True, I don't let people looking have much choice (thumbnails annoy me) but it's still flattering!
Here's some stuff I've painted recently. I've also finished up some Mid War British Rifles, and Late war Nebelwerfers, but I was too lazy to pull them out.
The begleit are mounted on plastic cut from the blister packs they came in, fit to the back of each individual stug so they can be easily removed.
The Commander
Plenty more after the break
First zug
Second zug
Third zug (at twilight?)
3rd Zug again
The whole battery
One more time
Mounted Panzergrenadiers
Captured transport
Dismounted 2
Kingforce Churchills.