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Friday, December 12, 2014

2014 Holiday Gift Ideas

The holiday season is here, and it's likely the time where you are asked the following question. "What do you want for Christmas?", I get this question every year and always give the same response. "I don't need anything." Nice.....well, if this is the way you answer your significant other or family member, I'm here to guide you to a few answers! This will ensure you have at least one thing to unwrap under the tree this Christmas.

With a lot of sales popping up and great new releases for gamers on the horizon, it's time to put pen to paper and jot down some things you should ask for this year. I have something on this list for every good boy, that will fit every budget. Other than a boxed platoon of tanks or some painted terrain, here are some other ideas for family and friends. (Sorry Jon, I said 'good' boy)

Source books are a great gift idea. You'll likely see something you've had your eye on for some time, but maybe the old price point put you off a bit. Now with the new pricing, single books and compilations are great gift ideas. Be sure to have a 'back-up' book title, in case your local store is out of stock. Ordering online is another option, just be sure you do it soon. The post office is about to get bombarded with mail!!

Every gamer out there can never have too many tokens, dice or tape measures. If you are simply looking for a stocking stuffer or small gift idea that won't break the bank, add a token set to your list.

Still taking your turrets off and putting them on your tray after failing yet another armor save? Well this is for you, adding a little bit of smoke and flames to your tanks, guns, or bunkers is a great way to add to your gaming experience. It is a lot more satisfying using this stuff on your opponent and makes for great pictures on your blog or posting here on the WWPD.

No one should be taking pictures of their models with their phone. It doesn't matter how good you think they turn out. The limited settings and basic features of your phone can not replace the great shots you'll get from a new digital camera. If you don't want to spend too much, a small camera with removable memory card and takes 'AA' batteries will suffice. If you want something a little better, there are tons of options. Buy an additional battery, case, memory card USB adapter and maybe a tri-pod.

You've heard about it, you might have seen it in person at a convention. If you consider yourself a gamer and hobbyist, it's time to upgrade! The GREX line of airbrushes makes it easy for the entry level painter to up their game and cut down on their painting time. It's easy to use, clean and more importantly, it turns out models in record time. With very little practice, you'll be a master at the use of this great airbrush and will never go back to brushes again!

Winsor Newton brushes are fantastic. (Series 7 pictured) They come in a large variety of hair type, tip size and are very nice to work with. After you have painted a tank or vehicle with your new Grex airbrush, why not detail it with a new set of brushes?! You get what you pay for, and these brushes will be ten times better than the plastic handled ones you bought at the service station the last time you fueled up your car.

Back2Base-IX paint storage solutions are a great holiday gift. You can now organize your paints, brushes and hobby accessories using a variety of storage ideas. They come in all shapes and sizes for any sized hobby desk or area. They're modular so you can add to them later if you need more room to add more colors to your hobby pallet. No more looking through a drawer or picking up each bottle of paint one at a time to find the right color.

Winter...and FoW Digital are coming.

There's no better way to be ready for the next step in Fowvolution. Digital copies of books, rules, pdf's and lists will be easy to navigate using your new tablet. Tablet PC's are the new way to have a computer at your finger tips for an affordable price. There's no need to rush out and spend a ton of cash on an Apple (*shudder*) device when you can save a ton of money going with another brand. Android devices are just as reliable and generally cheaper to purchase. When you're not at the convention, why not watch movies, and check email when you are back at the hotel.

WW2 prints are ways to add to your gaming area, or living space. They can be fairly inexpensive but will require a frame or other mount in order to really appreciate them. The nice thing about artwork, you get to see it all year round. WW2 themed tin signs also offer a variety of subject matter and can be a great addition to your gaming area.

Movies, documentaries and huge collections of wartime footage can be had for very little money. Write down a few titles and order them online. They'll be cheaper and easier to find online then scouring through the stores during the holiday shopping madness.

Hope this helped and maybe I gave you a few ideas of your own. If you have any time off and you spend it with friends and family, make the most of it. I wish you a safe and fun holiday season, Merry Christmas.

Matt 'ViciousEgo' MacKenzie has been interested in WW2 and gaming since a teenager. He regularly contributes to WWPD and can be heard on the DiceDevils podcast, a look at Flames of War and other gaming. Catch up with him at

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