Can you hear the rumble of the massed tank formations getting closer? If you do it is because the first ever North American Team Yankee Nationals is fast approaching. We at WWPD are excited to host the event along with the folks at Battlefront and we really think it will be a premier event that players will remember for years to come. Right now, we have over 30 players who have committed to the event and we are still almost 3 months away from rolling dice; so if you want to reserve a spot please follow the directions listed here. While we need to have your final lists - linked page above - in by 30 June, you are free to change it around as many times as needed before then. If you’re worried about getting s spot, just send in your name and faction to the email listed on the info page.
I am really blown away by the prize support for this event. It seems that many of the participants will be walking way with something besides Wolfgang’s Bratty Wagon! Prizes for the best player from each nationality and best “team” will give you that much more to play for. So far we have no “teams” registered so the competition may not be that steep.
Many of Team Yankee’s players are new to the game having never played Flames of War before and may be worried about what an event will be like. First of all the atmosphere will be fun and if it is your first time playing the game, many of the old vets will show you the ropes. To prove this point I talked a friend from work, who has never played historical minis before to play in a recent event put together by Brian Sherry and details of which can be found on his excellent blog. After two games, “D-Rell” really got the hang of the game and even thwarted my DDR tank blob with a few well-placed Leo2 tanks. The take away here is that you do not need any playing time to learn and have fun with the game.
As of right now, we have not picked the missions; however we are recommending that everyone become familiar with the missions in the Team Yankee rulebook and the Expanded Missions PDF. We will not be using the “Battle Plans” rule mentioned in the PDF because we want everyone playing the same mission each round, so plan your forces accordingly.
For scoring, we will be using an enhanced scoring matrix for the event. The only difference is that when you hand in your card after a round, we want each player to add up the costs of all their units that were destroyed or not in good spirits when the game ends. This method lets us figure out the relative ranking of players who win with the same score and ensures that you will play an opponent who is on par with your performance. For many of you this method will be invisible if you know how to add.
Let me also take some time to answer a few questions that have been asked so far. The two upcoming Team Yankee books will not be out before the sign up deadline, so you will not see them at the event. Another question was on the BRDM-2, Gaskin, and Spandrel units being allowed on Soviet lists. I have seen nothing official on this yet and I will do some research before the event, however as of right now they cannot be used with a Soviet formation. The other big questions was on proxies, which are models used to stand in for another. In some cases, like if you wanted to paint up and use some T-55’s from Vietnam or AIW as East German T-55AM2 tanks that is fine. However if you cannot find enough Scorpions/Scimitar vehicles for your list you cannot use Panzer II’s from WWII to fill in for them.
So keep the sign-ups and questions coming and I will try to answer them here on WWPD when I can.
Twitter: @MitchWWPD