For those of you who are somewhat unfamiliar with Flames of War, a typical game consists of 2 forces each "costing" between 1500 and 2000 points each. Most of my battle reports are between 2 1750pt forces.
Tom's Tigers taken as Heer (Standard German army) add up to close to 90,000 points. Taken as SS (Fearless German troops) they add up to well over 100,000. My entire collection of every single Flames of War model doesn't come close to this number, and this is just one of Tom's numerous ridiculous collections!
Anyways, enough with the introduction, here's some of his work reprinted here with his permission.
A snippet of Tom's original post follows after the break
*Every Allied Tanker's Claim*
Every German Tank was a Tiger...
There are 339 Tigers on the table.
102 - King Tigers.
237 - Tiger I's
To see Tom's complete post, visit the FOW forum here: (requires a login)
Also take a look through his Photobucket here
Thanks Tom for letting me repost these here!