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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bolt Action - Review: Perry Miniatures Plastic Africa Korps

 For hobbyists who love the modeling aspect of gaming, the plastic Afrika Korps box set made by Perry Miniatures is a modeler's dream. The detail they have been able to create in plastic is phenomenal, and being plastic, the kit won’t break the bank. Anyone who is interested in 28mm Afrika Korps and enjoys modeling will love this kit. This particular kit was provided for review by the gentlemen at Architects of War.
(Special guest, superb painter, and CNY friend o' mine Joe Foland contributes today's article. - Judson)

The kit comes with enough parts to create 38 infantrymen, up to 5 armed with light machine guns, 2 light mortars and 2 anti-tank rifles. There are plenty of choices for arming soldiers with submachine guns. Also included is a sprue containing an officer and radioman (forward observer). Small round bases are also included for the infantrymen along with four square bases for team-crewed weapons.

Each infantryman comes in several pieces. Most come with a full body and need the headgear, both arms and equipment added with only two infantry that need assembly of torso and legs.
The headgear is selected from three different choices: Cork tropical helmet, steel helmet, or a soft hat. I did not like the tropical look, so I limited the number of cork helmets to just the officer and medic. Most of my Afirka Korps are equipped with the steel helmet, and several wearing the soft hat with the helmet hanging on the equipment belt. 

I decided to paint the Afrika Korps based on some pictures I found online. Since the cork helmet was used early in the campaign, and I decided to use the steel helmets, I thought the best look would be a mix of colors in the uniforms. I painted up a 5-man light machine gun squad, accompanied by a NCO.

When the box was first inspected, I thought the 28mm scale of the Perry Miniature was just a little delicate when sized-up against other miniatures I have collected. Once painted and based the comparison actually worked with my other miniatures, especially other plastics. 

The above photo compares both plastics and metal miniatures I have in my collection. From left to right Wargames Factory (plastic), Perry Miniatures (plastic), Black Tree Design (metal), Warlord Games (metal).(Note the different base sizes between those included in the Perry set and the large bases he's used for the others that did not come with bases. - J)
With all the positive aspects with the Perry Miniatures kit the only negative facet is the bases. The team bases are mounted on square bases that in my eye detract from the overall look. Someone else might prefer the square bases, but they were problematic for me because, the prone figures that are mounted on the team bases do not completely fit and are finicky to mount. 

My next assignment is to complete the rest of the box and put this army on the table. I have teamed up with Andy Gould to test our Perry Miniatures against each other in combat.  So, to get the most out of this set I put together the following list:
Veteran Heer Grenadier Platoon:
1st Platoon:
1st Lieutenant
1st Squad: NCO +  4 (1 SMG, 1 LMG)
2nd Squad: NCO + 4 (1 SMG)
3rd Squad: NCO + 4(1 SMG, 1 LMG)
Artillery Observer
Light Mortar
AT Rifle

2nd Platoon:
1st Lieutenant
1st Squad: NCO +  4 (1 SMG, 1 LMG)
2nd Squad: NCO + 4 (1 SMG)
3rd Squad: NCO + 4(1 SMG, 1 LMG)
Artillery Observer
Light Mortar
AT Rifle

Total: 995

The Perry Miniature Plastic Afrika Korps is a great set for miniature hobbyist who enjoys assembly and detail in a miniatures kit. This kit provides enough miniatures to complete an entire 1000 point Bolt Action list, and the miniatures are so detailed they almost paint themselves. With the exception of the bases, and that's simply a matter of personal preference, the kit is one of the best plastics kits available.

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