FINALLY!!! After nearly three years of playing Bolt Action all us Russofiles finally get the Katyusha we deserve. A special thank you to Bob Emerson, form Mad Bob Miniatures,who added it to his Hungarian Kickstarter a few months back. Prior to the Kickstarter Bob had been cranking out specialty vehicles and rare artillery pieces you couldn't find anywhere else. I was not disappointed in my past purchases or interactions with Bob. His models are crisp, clean, and easy to assemble. So when I heard he was making a Katyusha I could not pass up on the opportunity.
This is a excitingly simple kit and comes with a body, six sets of wheels, two rack arms, and rocket rack and rockets. Assembly time was less than 15 minutes.
It even came with a picture of the complete model and rocket rack to help with assembly.
The final production looks great.
Paint time went quick. I primed the Katyusha black, then sprayed it with Russian armor, did some details, light dry brushing, and a wash.
Mad Bob's models are excellent. If you haven't purchased anything from him before you should definitely check him out. The Katyushas aren't available for general sale at the time of this article's writing as Bob is still fulfilling his kickstarter pledges, but keep an eye out because it shouldn't be long before they become available. Make sure you visit his website and follow him on facebook.