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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Bolt Action General Winter - Bolt Action on Ice

General winter - BA on ice!!

On a very chilly morning in July, 12 grizzled stalwarts gathered at House of War in Ringwood to do battle. The usual suspects had returned seeking glory, luck and good times and joining them were a couple of new faces. 

The event was following a de-escalation format, with the first game being 1500 points, the next 1250 and the last 1000. The army lists were fun and interesting and contained some very weird and odd units. A soviet naval army that somehow managed to pinch a naval gun from one of the battleships. Another soviet force managed to find an operational T-35. The French found their way to the battlefield and the Finns popped up to say hello. 

The armies were 2 Germans, 2 soviet, 3 Americans, 1 Finnish, 1 French, 1 Italian and 2 British lists. So as you can see there was no real one dominant army. 

The overall winner was Austin who rolled with some very hardy frenchmen!! Close behind him was rob who bought some very interesting Russian tanks, namely a T35 and a T28. Coming in third was a new player to our ranks, Mitchell who borrowed a Finnish army to take for a spin!! Melbourne regular Jael took home best painted, Damien Hansen picked up hanoswag for his soviet defence of Sevastopol naval force and the always gentlemanly Dave Munro overwhelmingly picked up best sports for being an all round nice guy!!

I'd like to thank House of War for providing us with a sensational venue to throw dice in. Deb and Riordan have a great gaming space and an incredible range of gaming products for purchase!!

Next I'd like to thank War & Peace games. As per usual Ian & John helped us put massively and this event couldn't have been as successful as it was without their generous help and support. 

Big thanks to Rubicon who very generously sent support from half way around the world and ensured that we had some incredible kits to give away in the day!!!

Thank you to Battlefield Accessories who provided some very cool trophies and also helped us out with a Stalingrad themed table for our players to fight over. 

And lastly thank you to the players who came out on a very chilly day and today successful! Without you guys these days just don't happen. 

See you all at the next event

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