Come test your Team Yankee skills against the guys from WWPD at HMGS's Fall-in! WWPD will be running Team Yankee Demos Friday and Saturday (3-4 Nov) at Fall-in, come find us near that day's Flames of War tournament and play a 30-minute, 35-point game with us and get a free Team Yankee sprue! Win and you get a $5 coupon from Battlefront towards and army box set. Maybe even play against a list from Stripes! No models needed just show and test your skills!
- Each game will be 35 points and time out in 30 mins
- We will provide all the models for the game
- Prizes will be handed out after the demo ends
- We should have at least 2 tables running and we will try to get as many players a chance to play as we can. We will not have a sign up, just show up and grab an empty spot or wait until one opens.
I think this is a great chance to check out Team Yankee and to kick off your army with a free vehicle sprue!
Email me if you have questions
Twitter: @MitchWWPD