Just some recent painting I've done. I've basically finished all of my French AFVs, and should be getting the infantry army box tonight!
First up, I painted 2 Stuart Troops to support my Desert Rats.
Now some H39s done up to support the Panhards of my Escadron De Recon'.
And the Escadron's compagnie commander. This is the only Battlefront Panhard I have.
And all of the Panhards. The BF doesn't stick out quite as bad as it appears to in this picture. But it is clearly the better model.
And the entire escadron.
And now for a group photo:
On the left we have the light Escadron De Combat (with enough turrets to swap them out to 4 platoons of 3 tanks with the long guns). In the middle is the aforementioned Escadron De Recon'. On the right are the Somuas, and bringing up the rear are the Char B1s.
Total models here:
20 Hotchkiss H39
13 Somua S-35
16 Panhard AMD-35
10 Char B1.
59 AFVs! I can't wait to see Tomwise make 59 French tanks look like a drop in the bucket ;)