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Sunday, February 27, 2011

International players welcome!

I updated what information is required on the FoW player finder.  We are now accepting international players!

Thanks again Chris!
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Flames of War Player Finder!

Thanks to Chris Miller (one of the forces behind the Tournament Locator) we now have a Flames of War Player Locator live!  Just click the link up top and have a look at it!

Right now it's North America only, but fear naught friends across the pond!  Your time is coming :)

Excellent work, Chris!
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Plastic Soldier Company T-34s WIP

The Plastic Soldier Company were kind enough to send us 10 of their new(ish) plastic T-34s for review.  We are going to do a full review in the next episode of the Podcast, but I couldn't wait to show some WIP pictures!  I decided to use all 10 for a mid war SS captured panzerkompanie.  For those of you who do not know, I am a huge fan of captured panzers!  After some digging for paint schemes, I decided I didn't want to go with dunkelgelb, and instead settled on panzer grey.  I found some pictures of T-34s in use by the SS Totenkopf in gy, and decided that's where I would start.

Please realize these are WIP photos (which I don't often post), and as such the vehicles are missing insignia, weathering, and general touch ups!

And on an unrelated note, I took my first sick day today when I woke with a dreadful sinus infection.  I've basically been down and out all day, and generally pretty bummed.  I absolutely *hate* taking sick days- I feel worthless!  To cheer me up, my wife picked me up some Star Trek Glasses, and giggled as she gave them to me.  At least she is okay with marrying a nerd!  To further cheer me up she also picked me up a new bottle of scotch (probably better wait to try it till I am not taking copious amounts of medicine) AND my latest issue of Wargames Illustrated came in!  All in all, not a terrible sick day.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quick Update

Had a busy weekend and didn't get much done in the way of gaming. Played some more Pandemic- really great board game!

I also finished painting some Poles for Rob Eubanks. Here's a quick picture I grabbed of them on the painting table.  I am about to start the final push on my French- HMGs, Mortars, and 47mm AT Guns.  Then I'll have completed the bulk of my French forces!  All I really plan to add after that are the 47mm SP AT Guns, some Lorraine Carriers, and a few other odds and ends. 

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Czech Panzers vs Fusiliers De Portes

Brian and I had a Flames of War game today, and I took the opportunity to try French infantry for the first time. I still can't quite make a legal Fusilier Voltigeur list, so instead I went with the Escadron De Fusiliers Portes. Brian ran his Czech Panzers again. We rolled for the mission and came up with Hasty Attack (not to be confused with the Battlefront mission Hasty Assault).

  • HQ
  • Fusilier Portes Platoon
  • Fusilier Portes Platoon
  • Fusilier Portes Platoon
  • Recon Platoon (3 H39s, 1 long gun)
  • Deep Recon Platoon (5x Panhard AMD-35)
  • 4x SOMUA S-35
  • All Terrain Towed 75mm Artillery Battery
  • All Terrain Towed 105mm Artillery Battery
  • Sporadic Air Interception

  • HQ (2x 38(t))
  • 5x Panzer 38(t)
  • 4x Panzer 38(t)
  • 5x Panzer IIc
  • Leicthe Pioneers
  • Panzerschutzen
  • Stuka Schwerepunkt


In this mission, the defender gets half of their platoons on, with 1 in ambush. I deployed 1 fusilier platoon, the 75s, and the 105s. I put the SOMUAs in Ambush. Brian must put 2 platoons in hasty reserve (they arrive on a 4+ rather than a 5+), and may put one platoon in the middle 12" square or so. Brian put a platoon of 38(t)s and panzerschutzen in reserve, and put his Panzer IIs in the forward position.

Pioneers and Panzers prepare to sneak up the left flank.

Close up of Brian's excellent application of German Grey.

Panzer IIs racing forward.

French 105s overlooking the approach.

75s and infantry hold the road.

More 105s.


French air intercepts the stukas!

The Panzer IIs ram fender to fender to try and hide behind the barn.

Czech Panzers and pioneers move forward.

75s and 105s range in on the Panzers, but do no damage.


This time Stukas swoop in and knock out 1 infantry stand and the platoon leader of the 75s, pinning both platoons!

The Panzer IIs stay just out of wave off range of the aircraft, ready to strike!

38(t)s and pios move through the woods.

The assault goes off- 2 fusilier stands are knocked out. One Panzer II is bailed in defensive fire by the 75s. The French breakoff and the Panzer IIs consolidate back into the wheat.

The SOMUAs spring their ambush.

SOMUAs and 75s wipe out the Panzer IIs.


Fusilier 1: 3 infantry stand
75 Battery: 1 infantry stand

Panzer II Platoon


Both of Brian's reserves arrive! He puts them on the right flank.

Stukas swoop in and knock out the 2iC. The SOMUAs get lucky leaving only one bailed.

The first French reserves arrive. Panhards move in. One 75 goes down to the freshly arrived 38(t)s.

105s and 75s combine to bombard the mass of German reserves, but do no damage.


Fusilier 1: 3 infantry stand
75 Battery: 1 infantry stand, 1 gun

Panzer II Platoon


Again the French air support chases off the Stukas!

The 75s prepare to trade shots with 38(t)s.


Fusilier 1: 3 infantry stand
75 Battery: 1 infantry stand, 1 gun

Panzer II Platoon


The french aircraft AGAIN chase off the Stukas. Despite having thrown 15 dice, the French have only received one platoon in reserves!

The 38(t)s take out two more 75s. The platoon is below half, but hangs in there.

105s hit the pioneers, knocking 3 stands out.

Panhards move up.


Fusilier 1: 3 infantry stand
75 Battery: 1 infantry stand, 3 guns

Panzer II Platoon
Leichte Pioneers: 3 stands


38(t)s mass and pepper the French with fire. The infantry is pinned down and one stand is knocked out.

Rifle fire from the pioneers knocks out a 105.

Schutzen attempt to assault the dug in Fusiliers, but the Fusiliers were 1 shot from being pinned. They put out just enough fire to pin the assaulters, and knock out one stand!

Finally French reserves arrive! The Hotchkiss recon tanks arrive on the left. Immediately to their right is another Fusiliers platoon.

105s range in on the 38(t)s. One gets panzer goes up in smoke.

The SOMUAs open up on the 38(t)s at range.

Panhards and Fusiliers open up on the Panzer Schutzen, knocking out 2 more stands.


Fusilier 1: 4 infantry stand
75 Battery: 1 infantry stand, 3 guns
105 Battery: 1 gun

Panzer II Platoon
Leichte Pioneers: 3 stands
Panzerschutzen: 3 stands
38(t)s A: 1 tank


Stukas try to range in on the infantry and Hotchkiss, but can't find their targets.

105s range in on some panzers, bailing one.

The french rifle men who arrived from reserve attempt to dig in. They fail, and they fail from here to the end of the game. So much for all that entrenching training!

On the French right, Fusiliers move forward under the watchful eye of the SOMUAs and 105s.

The 38(t)s knock out the last 75mm gun. The staff team remains and passes sole survivor. The platoon is withdrawn but not destroyed.


75 Battery: withdrawn
Fusilier 1: 4 infantry stand
105 Battery: 1 gun

Panzer II Platoon: destroyed
Leichte Pioneers: 3 stands
Panzerschutzen: 3 stands
38(t)s A: 1 tank


*AGAIN* the Stukas are chased off!

THe 38(t)s line up napoleonics style and race forward!

The smaller 38(t) platoon moves forward and assaults the fusiliers. One panzer bogs in the plowed fields, but the fusiliers are knocked below half before failing their motivation.

105s hit the goup of 38(t)s bailing two.

The H39s assault the panzer schutzen in the woods, taking 4 down. The schutzen pull back and the H39s consolidate on the edge of the wood.


Fusilier 1: Destroyed
75 Battery: 1 infantry stand, 3 guns
105 Battery: 1 gun

Panzer II Platoon
Leichte Pioneers: 3 stands
Panzerschutzen: 6 stands
38(t)s A: 1 tank


The action.

105s do a repeat bombardment, but cause no damage.

The H39s crash through the woods and wipe out the Schutzen platoon.

Fusiliers jump into the courtyard, and assault the pioneers.

The Pioneers are knocked out to a man due to some wildly good rolls on the part of the Fusiliers.

Brian starts turn 10 below half strength (3 destroyed platoons out of 5). He fails company morale, calling the game.


This was a pretty solid game, and a great first outing for the French. They got to do exactly what they're good at: defend. The 25 points spent on air interception really paid off this mission! I think I stopped the Stukas 4 or 5 times!

Brian played well though, especially with a solid 48" to cross for the majority of his forces. His reserves could've come in a little earlier, but getting them both in at the same was at least nice.
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