As you all have noticed by now, we are no longer found at the address "". It had been a goal of ours to move to "WWPD.Net" since the very beginning, and we've finally been able to snatch up that URL! which brings us to PHASE II. Or maybe CASE PURPLE. Something sinister sounding.
So keep your eyes open as there will be some slight website changes in the future to continually improve the site. I'll be doing some research into our analytics to see what pages are working and what are not being used much to help drive these decisions, but again I am very much open to suggestion. After all we wouldn't put as much effort into WWPD as we do if we didn't get great satisfaction from people enjoying the site! It's a labor of love- and make no mistake it is a labor. We work hard to make sure our podcast is top quality and our batreps are continually at the forefront!
Anyhow, moving forward we are no longer "What Would Patton Do" but simply "WWPD". It's easier to say, easier to type, and sounds a bit like a network callsign which I really like. I got the idea from KFC who are no longer "Kentucky Fried Chicken" since people don't want to acknowledge that they're eating fried chicken. As we ramp up our video and audio offerings, this blog will continue to showcase AARs, painting articles, and random musings. Truly, we hope to be an all-inclusive wargaming media resource! Which is jargon for "the place we want you to check out".
I am very much open to suggestions. For example, I have been kicking around the idea of a forum for many months now. Personally, I hate to see forums underutilized, and we already have comments and a facebook page, but it might be nice to have one centralized meeting place. The chat room idea is likewise still on the table. Let me know what you all might be interested in!
We will continue to bring batreps as they happen, and work to continually make them exciting and easy to follow. We are also venturing into the realm of video, which is an effort in its infancy but will continue to ramp up until we're providing the best quality videos we can bring you!
Thanks again for everyone's generous support, and thanks especially to the guys on the WWPD team who make it happen!
TLDR: We're now officially "WWPD". More cool stuff coming.
NOTE: if you have a link to us on your site, please make sure it points to WWPD not WHATWOULDPATTONDO
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