I sprayed this with fairly dark grey auto primer. For the stone areas, I did drybrush layers of: Dunklegelb, Khaki, Stone Grey, then some very light White.
For the roofs, I did a drybrush of: Light Grey, Stone Grey, then some very light white. I also did a Black Wash over them to darken it up a bit.
The wooden parts are just a coat of Flat Earth (I think...) with a Sepia Wash. I will likely go back and put in stained glass on the window above the door there.
CONCLUSION: 10 of 10 Stars!
This checks in at $49USD, which is a little expensive. But, in this case I believe you get what you pay for. This thing is MASSIVE and will be the centerpiece of any board it is placed on. The resin is very tough and chunky -- takes paint very well. I did not see much bubbling at all on the piece, which is very difficult with the roof on this model.
There is a platform for this Church available for $25USD and another small building with a removable roof for $10USD -- I will be getting both very soon!