000:00 - Rockin' intro music!
000:15 - Judson makes excuses
000:51 - Steven interrupts
001:28 - Tribute to Dano
004:01 - Dirty Jon puts us back on track...
004:55 - ...Then brings us into his noob experiences in Bolt Action
025:18 - Steven interrupts again with his not-so-noob experiences in Bolt Action
031:00 - Talkin' shop with the Richmond boys
042:57 - Break
043:19 - Back in, and Dano emerges from the blizzard
044:22 - What everybody's been up to
053:01 - Dano let's slip a "I Think It's In Your Best Interest," which is just another way of saying "I Think You'll Find"
056:40 - More excuses are made for the podcast delay
066:02 - Dano slips into the bathtub with his Armies of the United States book
107:15 - Armies of Germany versus Armies of the United States
132:18 - Northeast Continental US takes a swing at Alaska
135:06 - Dano and Judson serenade each other