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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cold Wars Pic Dump

Welcome to beautiful Lancaster Pennsylvania! It's a Dutch
By the WWPD Team

Twice a year the WWPD crew heads on up to the Amish Paradise that is Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This time around we're there for Cold Wars, the Historical Miniatures Gaming Society annual winter convention.

We spend a long weekend playing all sorts of games and hawking our wares to unsuspecting buyers in the bucolic backdrop of rural southwestern PA.

Sure, it's about throwing down awesome games of Flames of War, Bolt Action, Saga and other such goodness but it's also about hanging with friends, gallivanting about a decrepit old convention space with more stairs than people and spending more money than we really should. Tough gig right?

This time around we were able to participate in numerous events including a Flames of War doubles tournament on Friday with an interesting final round where you broke your 1000 point army down into 600 points and played on a 3x3 table. A two round Bolt Action tank company tournament and a 3 round 1000 bolt action tournament. Not to mention tons of board games, card games, drinking, and of course, a pod cast.

Below is our pic dump of all the fun, hope you enjoy perusing them at least half as much as we enjoyed taking them!

Flames of War, 2000 point doubles tournament. 

Throck's Hungarians. Partnered with Bruce Nemet to bring the Zrinyi pain. 

Jesse and Miles from Showcase Comics try to find an answer to the question, "Is there such a thing as too many T-34's?"

Brummbar anyone?

Jon and Luke go for TD's and ARC

The tables, which were relatively light for I-95 run affairs. 

Jon and Luke's full army. Imposing.

 Ready? Fight!
Terrifying T-34 horde. 

Up against Throck's plucky Hungarians!

Jon and Luke face off against some Germans. 

There were three armies containing Hungarians at this tourney. Not used to seeing that but glad they're all here!

Throck Surrounded!

But doing tons of damage. 

Sadly, we just couldn't hold. 

Some very nice looking Russian Navy guys. 

More Zrinyi's!

In the final round we split off in to 600 point armies based off of our army list and fought on 3x3 tables. Terrifying. 

Bolt Action, 2 round tank-a-palooza!

Fabulous Staghounds


Who would play 12 Polish Tankettes? Oh... Right... Scott Simoneau

Bolt Action Saturday 3 round 1000 point tournament. 
Judson and his stubby T-28's

What is this thing?

We must rescue the Nazi Treasure!!

29, Let's Go!

The MASSIVE Pegasus Bridge scenario game. 

Jon and Judson face off. DEATH MATCH!
Other Stuff!

The kids table, with the king of the kids, Eric.

The other kids table :)

Of course WW2 isn't the only thing that goes on here. There's tons of amazing historical wargaming action. 


That's Luke's "Give me your money" mind control stare.  

And, of course, the podcast with the boys being the boys. 

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