Many missions in Bolt Action require objectives. The new missions that Captain TO came up with for the Cold Wars tournament all require objectives. However, a sharp mind will quickly notice that the Bolt Action rule book doesn't define or put parameters on objectives. Captain TO was gracious enough to put limits on objectives for Cold Wars.
Captain TO is requiring that any objective is at least 60mm in diameter. Not wanting to just show up with wood blocks or uninteresting objectives, I went through my collection of miniatures and bits to come up with some army-appropriate objectives for the tournament. Out of my bits I was able to make a small cache or weapons and supplies, a general pondering battle plans, and an officer carrying top secret plans.
For my first objective I drew upon my vast collection of bits. This small cache includes weapons, supplies, batteries, blankets, tarps, gas cans, and a Nazi Eagle. The Eagle was bit that came in a trade.
The next objective is a stressed Field Marshal Paulus pondering his position along the Volga. The Paulus model is from Black Tree Design. I grabbed the table from a Tamiya kit and added a knife, binoculars, and a few pistols for good measure. I folded the map before I glued it down and really like how the creases stand out.
For the last objective I used an officer and two guard figures from Foundry miniatures. I really like the models in this line. The officer reminds me of the officer from the beginning of Kelly's Heroes. You know the one Kelly gets drunk, and then blabs to Kelly about the gold. I also like the guard on the right who is smoking the cigarette. I know smoking is bad, but this model is so good.
So there you have it, those were my objectives at Cold Wars. I love making objectives. Each objective can be so different, and can be customized to an army. For Flames of War, I have about twenty different objectives, most of my armies having three to five custom, homemade objectives. Moving forward, I am really excited to build objectives for my Bolt Action armies.
So what are you bringing to an upcoming event to use as objectives? Or what do you use at home or at your club for your objectives? Share with the rest of us on the forum.