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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bolt Action - Historicon 2014

Kick off the Blitz! Historicon '14 is nearly upon us!

Bolt Action is about to Happen!

If you've never attended a gaming convention before, Historicon is an absolute must. It's the biggest. It's the best. Chances are, if you're reading this, you've heard of it before. This year Baxter, DaveOwaR, CH, Captain TO and I will all be attending to witness Bolt Action Happen, among other gaming goodness.

If you're not going, and unsure exactly what it is you're missing, you need to check out the PEL. Friends of the BAR will be hosting some fantastic scenario games using the Bolt Action rules. I owe them an apology, as I didn't look through the thirty-eight pages of scheduled games to find exactly when and where they're doing it. Check on the forum, however, as the events have been advertised there.

If you've ever wondered what it would look like if someone could condense all history gaming products available on the internet into one gigantic store, check out the vendor hall - although "hall" doesn't do it justice - and wander for hours through products you didn't even know you "needed"! The vendor area's capacity for making me lose money is unparalleled. 

As you can see in the foreground, they've almost cleaned the bathrooms after last year's Historicon.
The gaming areas, as you might expect considering the expansive PEL, are massive. DaveOwaR should feel right at home inside the cold embrace of these gaming caverns. 

If you're participating in the Bolt Action tournaments, I'd suggest an army list with more than one unit.
On Friday, I'll be running a tournament using Alessio's force construction rules from the latest tournament pack. Submitting a list to me ( send to ) counts as your registration, so register now! There are a few spots left. We'll be playing three games, starting at 0900, using three book scenarios chosen at random, excepting Top Secret. The victory conditions will be right out of the book, so games should play much like they do locally for you. Bolt Action will Happen!

Courtesy of your subscriptions to Speakeasy, we've been able to gather more prizes than ever before for this event - but be warned, the player with the most wins may not be the one that walks away with the most expensive prizes! Good times are the goal of this event!

On Saturday, Captain TO will be hosting a three game tournament as well. At the moment, I haven't heard exactly what he's going to throw at us, scenario-wise; and that's just the way I like it, since I'll be participating. Once again, the prizes are piling up, not only from BoltActionDotNet but from Warlord Games, too.

Check the events thread on the forum for more updates on these tournaments.

This year also brings something a bit different to the tournament lineup. Some people wish there was a two-day Bolt Action tournament held at a convention, so we're bringing it to you. Players that participate in both Friday's and Saturday's Bolt Action tournaments will be automatically entered into the Historicon 2014 BARbarian Cup event. Scores from both events will be combined to determine winners in many categories. Honor and trophies will be bestowed upon the winning BARbarians!

One lucky player in one of the events is going to win a year long subscription to Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy courtesy of WS&S! Thanks, Jasper!

Hope to see you all there. Drop buy, hang out. Chuck dice. Make Bolt Action Happen.

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