Andrew and I were excited to get the K-Wings on the table! They look like an A10 Warthog and I just love them to pieces. So I flew the Rebels, and Andrew put an Empire squadron together. This is just a brief battle report, as we aren't expert enough to have any opinions that matter!
Squadron lists courtesy of
Whisper Cloaks as she closes in.
TLTs open up, and start plinking some damage on the TIEs.
Vader and company navigate the asteroids (not always successfully...)
Before having a 3 TIE pile up thanks to an A-Wing bravely jumping in their way!
Vader goes down to K-Wing fire.
The K-Wings drop a connor net into the whole mess, making movements fairly predictable.
Focused fire manages to take down Whisper. With Turr damaged, we call the game for the Rebels! One of the K-Wings is one damage away from death, but their TLTs are sweet!