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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Somethin' Else Sunday: Grular for Freeblades

As a followup to the look at the Trillians by DGS Games, here is the Freeband I bought to face them in combat: The Grular!  As with the Trillians, these were all painted by Jeff (AKA Sonbae).  Thanks Jeff!

Description text in italics below taken from

Multitudes of Grular roam the world in pursuit of adventure, plunder and battle. Young Grular are raised on stories of legendary freebands and their adventures. Joining a freeband is the primary path for Grular to rise above their birth earning a greater place amongst Grular society. To the Grular roaming the world is their chance at glory and glory is the reason for living. With the release of our new Grular starter box, you are one purchase away from marshaling your own Grular free band. Be among the first to experience the thrill of marauding across Faelon for the glory of your clan, Khan and all of Grular!

To earn the rank of Kor-Khan is an achievement reached by only the most elite warriors and entitles the bearer to lead the Khan’s armies on the field of battle. Kor-khans lead from the front swinging the vicious spikedrakh in one hand and a pulverizing flail in the other.

Mounted Marauder

The unforgiving expanses of Grular are the home of the Marauder. Tireless warriors riding the hardiest horses, Marauders are deadly warriors lethal firing their composite bows from the saddle and able to deal a serious blow up with their flails when charging into melee.

Krang are typically recruited from the orphans and other dregs of society. Krang are given training in two symbolic weapons – the spikedrakh and the anghara. Training emphasizes fast flurries of furious combination attacks. These skills make Krang a valuable and familiar site in the warbands of the Grular.

Unlike other shadow demons, Gadarl do not have the ability to simply appear as something else. However, they can actually transform physically into that with which they come into contact. They are some of the most dangerous of demons, because this transformation is not detectable through normal magical means.


Warlocks delve deep into the mysteries of Shadow Magic exulting in the horror they can inflict in their foes. Twisting shadows to their will Warlocks frequently use their mysterious shadowspears to summon fearsome nightmares from beyond the boundaries of Faelon.

Becoming a Bludgeoneer offers many young Grular a chance for glory and promotion in war. The youth of the plains flock to the call of the Khans for infantry, hoping to escape the abject poverty of the many horse poor clans through bloody swings of a brutal flail.

Really looking forward to getting in a game of Freeblades!  

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