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Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Adventures of Action Jackson - Games and Stuff Sept 22

On Saturday, Alex and I traveled up to Games and Stuff for a 300pt ITS tournament for Infinity. I was actually pretty hesitant to go up, as I've been pretty focused on Flames of War and Torchlight 2 the past few days, but I was talked into it.

I took Aleph with me. My intended list was:

Achilles (LT)
Asura (Hacking plus)
Myrmidon Officer (Chain of Command, Combi Rifle)
Samekh (Guided missile launcher)
Dakini Tactbot (HMG)
3x Netrods

Upon arriving, it seemed there was some confusion upon proxies. Now, if you're not familiar with Infinity, you must realize it is very difficult to play the game with WYSIWYG. The Asura hacker is one of those models, not to mention the current model leaves a lot to be desired. So I was planning on using the new Chandra SpecOps figure in her place.

Quoting the Corbus Belli website:

Infinity Spec-Ops have no troop profile in the Army Lists, however they are the perfect proxies to be used in Infinity official tournaments of the ITS.

Apparently this wasn't good or clear enough, and myself, and several other players, were called out for using these models in our lists. So, I made a quick, on the fly adjustment and ended up playing a half-cheesy, half-horrible list instead:

Maruts (LT)
Achilles (Spitfire)
Myrmidon (Chain Rifle)
Myrmidon (Chain Rifle)
Dakini Tactbox (Combi Rifle)
3x Netrod

While is appears to be a simple 2 model swap, it changed the list drastically. I now have over 2/3 of my army points in two models - one super badass from the past, and a big stompy mecha robot. And I proceeded to pump almost every single order into them for the rest of the day...

Which now brings us to the meat and potatoes of the event. Four rounds of an ITS event using the YAMS system.

This is Action Jackson. The YAMS system requires you to bring a civilian model to be used in the games for various purposes and objectives.
Round One I played against Henry, who was playing a generic PanO list. Henry killed poor Action Jackson on turn one, but I took the game with a 5-2 in VP.

Action Jackson lost in a crystal field

Round Two I played against John, who ended up winning the event at the end of the day. Again, Action Jackson died on turn 1. My game with John ended up as a TAG vs TAG battle. Sadly, his came out on top, no thanks to me failing my repair rolls (needing a 1-15 on a d20...) A devastating 1-7 loss.

Action Jackson hiding behind a lush forest rock.
A Pan-O cutter. One of very few painted models I got to fight against.

Round Three I played against Chris, a newer player and Huzzah regular. He was playing Ariadna with 2748279789 camo markers. I "accidentally" killed Action Jackson on turn 2 with the splash damage from a heavy flamerthrower. I pulled out a 5-4 win.

Action Jackson visits a shany town.
 My last round was against Brian playing HaqqiIslam. Brian was gracious enough to give me my first fully painted opponent of the day. Sadly, he was also gracious enough to give me a 2-5 loss. In bright news, Action Jackson survived this game!

Action Jackson getting some soda.
My last opponent was the only one that greeted me with a fully painted army. Sadly, I was super tired going into the fourth round and didn't get a lot of pics.
Four great opponents for putting up with my semi-knowledge of the Infinity rules
Some great terrain, considering a lot of it was built the night before!

The proxy drama
Opponents with unpainted armies. Seriously guys? Who still takes unpainted figures to TOURNAMENTS?
I495 for being standstill at 9am on a Saturday'

Last, but not least, I leave you with a picture from the place we ate lunch. Apparently, their idea of artwork on the walls was ripping a page from a calendar and taping it to a picture frame with black electrical tape.

Post event edit: Apparently the folks and Games and Stuff determined mid-event that proxies and conversion were in fact legit, provided they fit within certain criteria, and enhanced the army rather than taking away from it.

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