Kampfgruppe Peiper vs JagdPanthers and Grenadiers in Encounter by Covering Fire. Even though it's a "red" on "red" (which I usually don't care for) the pictures in this one are quite good! The painted ME262 is awesome! Kudos to our friends at Covering Fire. I also always like seeing Batrepper in use in the wild! The painting is great, as is the terrain.
Dropzone Commander- Factions Overview by IttyBitty Soldiers. Our buddy Scott S has been posting a ton of DZC on our forum lately. To be quite honest, he's just about fully convinced me to dive into Dropzone Commander! If you've been even the least bit curious, check out his recent faction overview that goes into the fluff and explains the different factions in a nice summary.
I really like the PHR and the UCM, and you just may see me painting some up in the near future!
Winterizing Soviet T-34s by dice Devils. Jon posted a tutorial a few days back about winterizing some T34s- it seems like winterizing is all the rage lately! I like the look of it, but have no real desire to winterize anything myself. Anyhow, there's a cool video there about winterizing a test model that I think a lot of people will find useful!
As a bonus, check out the pics of the IS-2s posted up before the video!