Vineyards are plantations of grapes grown for producing wine, table grapes, raisens, and grape juice. While vineyards can be found globally, we Flames of War gamers use them to represent agricultural areas in France, Itally and Greece. In Flames of War vineyards afford concealment to teams and are difficult going.
Vineyards are one type of terrain that can be easily be made in your garage or at your hobby desk with supplies you probably already have.
Tounge Depressors
Plastic Railroad Trees
White Glue
Paint and Brushed
Super Glue
Clump Foliage
Black Primer
Step One:
Cut two tooth picks into thirds and nip the points off. Using your super glue, glue four of the tooth pick pieces upright on the touge depressor. Glue the remaining two pieces of tooth pick pieces to the end posts as supports. These toothpicks will be your posts.
Step Two:
Next cut the branches off the ends of a couple of plastic trees and glue them to the tongue depressors bases. These will be your plants.
Step Three:
Take thread and run it through the branches and posts. This will be your support wire.
Step Four:
Flock the base with ballast using the white glue. Once dry go over the top of the ballast again with watered down glue.
Step Five:
After you have attached the string prime the vineyard piece black. Paint the vineyard piece using the colors of your choosing. I have painted my base brown to match my fields, the vines dark brown and the posts grey. After your base coat dries, dry brush the piece to bring out some of the detail.
Step Six:
After the paint dries glue small pieces of clump foliage to the branches using super glue.
Finished product:
Once finished repeat the process until you have enough vineyards for your terrain needs.
These go quick and hardly take any time at all to make. They are also very cheap and cost next to nothing. If you have other ideas for making your own vineyards feel free to share with the community on the forum.