Anatoli's Polish R35 Company
Anatoli is all about researching the Polish forces in the Blitzkrieg era for Flames of War. If you haven't seen his September campaign yet, do yourself a favor and look it over! Here, Anatoli has assembled a company comprised of 10 R35s representing the 21st Light Tank Company, one of 5 new tank companies forthcoming in his September Campaign v.2 campaign book!
Throck of War: Historicon 2012
The dudes over at Throck of War discuss their experiences at Historicon 2012! With plenty of great pictures from the various setups and commentary to match, this is a comprehensive look at the convention! Of particular interest is the 54mm scale FOW game "for the kids".
Dice Devil's Historicon Video Coverage
Okay! I promise this is the last you'll hear about Historicon from us! We just had such a great time that we want to share it with the world. "Matt Varnish" over at Dice Devils took a ton of video. So check it out and see what it was all about!