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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bolt Action - Planning My First Forces!

When I decided to get into Bolt Action, I planned to make two opposed armies so I can run games with my friends.  As I have absolutely zero suitable 28mm Western Europe terrain, and I want me battles to look good for battle reports, I decided to go with my favorite campaign- the war in North Africa!  Obviously the armies presented in the books are geared towards late war, but much of the equipment was available in early '43 so that's when I'll be solidly basing my armies.

I've decided that I want British rifles and German Panzergrenadiers.  I'm going to do both veteran, and ultimately since these will be starter forces designed to help teach people (myself included!) how to play, I'm going to make the lists fairly similar to each other.

British figures by Black Tree Design
The British
090- Veteran 1st Lt.

000- Regular Forward Artillery Observer (free)

065- Veteran squad (5 rifles)
003- Upgrade NCO to SMG
065- Add 5 more rifle teams
020- Swapd 1 rifle team with a bren gun (and a 2nd rifle with a loader)

065- Veteran squad (5 rifles)
065- Add 5 more rifle teams
020- Swapd 1 rifle team with a bren gun (and a 2nd rifle with a loader)

065- Veteran Vickers HMG

065- Veteran Medium Mortar
010- add Observer

195- Regular Sherman III

084- Veteran MMG Carrier
812- 8 Units.

German Afrika Korps by Black Tree Designs

The Germans
090- Veteran 1st Lt.

065- Veteran Squad (5 rifles)
006- Upgrade 2 to SMGs
065- add 5 more Rifles
020- upgrade 2 rifles to MG42s, and 2 more to loaders

065- Veteran Squad (5 rifles)
006- Upgrade 2 to SMGs
065- add 5 more Rifles
020- upgrade 2 rifles to MG42s, and 2 more to loaders

065- Veteran HMG

065- Veteran Medium Mortar
010- add Observer

282- Veteran Panzer IV F2
818- 6 Units.

Some of my 28mm desert terrain with a 40k vehicle
The British have an advantage with their number of units, but the Germans spit out a lot more firepower.  I hope these will make for 2 balanced armies to approach the game with!

I made a huge order with Black Tree Designs for all of the infantry and guns, but haven't purchased the vehicles yet.  I plan to have Jeff (AKA Sonbae) paint up the troops for me- I just can't spare the time!  The British vehicles will likely be from Warlord Games (unless anyone can point me to a 28mm manufacturer of a Sherman III with sideskirts?).  The Panzer IV F2 will likely be the one by Company B.

I hope you all will follow along as I build this army up and get it on the table!

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