To Defend the Earth is a collection of short stories by William Stroock about an alien invasion of Earth. Over 10 chapters, you are given a glimpse into the event from many different perspectives and at different points along the timeline. The book is largely focused on the Military aspects of the conflict, written with a Historian's eye lending a great sense of realism. There's tons of action and good dialogue, even if sometimes the characters are overshadowed by Orders of Battle and descriptions of sweeping action-packed engagements. read below for my full review!
To Defend the Earth is available right now for 99 cents on Amazon's Kindle - well worth the pocket change for an exciting and interesting read with a different take on alien invasion. Read on to see my full review!
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To Defend the Earth is available right now for 99 cents on Amazon's Kindle - well worth the pocket change for an exciting and interesting read with a different take on alien invasion. Read on to see my full review!