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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Review: Battlefront's Artillery Templates

The Green Artillery Templates from Battlefront for Flames of War have been out for awhile, but I just received my "pie plate of doom, death, and destruction" (AKA The Devastating Bombardment Template) and noticed a few things about these that are not readily apparent to everyone....OK, at least it wasnt apparent to me. 

All the templates are offered in metric or imperial measurement.  The Standard is offered in a transparent green and red while the Double wide and Devastating Bombardment template are currently only offered in the green.

Standard Template and Double Wide Template:

Very nice and simple.  The Standard template also has all the rules and charts for the dropping artillery, except it doesnt have the rules for Mixed Bombardments on the can only fit so much on the 6"x6" template.

The Double wide is even nicer than the Standard.  It has ALL the charts for dropping artillery.  Not only is it a double wide template, but in the center is the standard template.  So, you can use just this template and measure for standard or double wide sheaves.

Devastating Bombardment Template.

Even nicer still!.  This has all the charts like the double wide, but also has the double wide template across the middle and the standard template dead center.  In reality, this is the only template you would need for all the sheaves you could possibly drop.

How big is this template...well its 4 times as big as the Standard template and Twice as big as the Double wide...

2 Brit Para Platoons and Standard Template

Same 2 Brit Para Platoons and Devastating Bombardment Template
The underside of the Devastating Bombardment Template

As you can see it covers a lot of space

They are all very nice and durable, and very well laid out.  I absolutely love how the bigger templates incorporate the smaller ones.  Brilliant design guys.

16 out of 17 shell craters.  The standard template not having the Mixed Bomabardment rules is my only complaint.

Now to use my Devastating Bombardment Template with my newly painted Panzerwerfer Battery....Mwuwahahahahahahaha

SonBae (AKA Jeff Flint) is a long time gamer and painter and runs a blog at Journey Back To The Table where he posts photos of his work, reviews, BatReps and the “Painting Miniatures Declassified” modeling and painting tutorials.

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